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LANUI™ Slim Tablet

LANUI™ Slim Tablet

Regular price $16.99
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A slim body contributes to an active and confident lifestyle. LANUI™ Slim Tablet is made from red reishi mushrooms blended with other natural Vietnamese medical herbs to promote healthy weight loss.


LANUI™ Slim Tablet helps relieve the accumulation of fat through several mechanisms:

  • Stimulates the burning of excess fat, thus enabling weight reduction and firming muscles.
  • Improves the transformation of lipids and reduces blood lipid disorders.
  • Improves digestion and helps purge toxins from the body.
  • Enhances the body's metabolism.
  • Helps prevent obesity-related diseases such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes.


Lotus Leaf

Lotus leaves contain flavonoids, which help fight cholesterol disorders. In turn, it will help to reduce weight, restrain the formation of lipids, and firm up muscles.

Red Reishi Mushrooms

One of the precious herbs containing many active ingredients, reishi or lingzhi, helps boost metabolism and accelerates the burning of excess fat, thus restraining the formation of fatty cells. Furthermore, reishi contains components that reduce blood glucose and prevent diabetes.

Hawthorn (Crataegus Cuneata)

Hawthorn contains several organic acids, such as citric acid and vitamin C, which enhance the digestive system. It also helps strengthen the body’s excreting functions, eliminating fat and toxins from the body, thus enabling efficient weight reduction.

Gymnema Sylvestre

Gymnemic acid, which is found in gymnema, not only lowers blood sugar but also lowers blood lipids, cholesterol, and the amount of sugar that builds up and leads to weight gain.


People with lipid disorders, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and obesity issues; suitable for all ages, including children (children's dose reduced).

Caution: Expectant mothers need to consult with a doctor before using this product.

Dose: 1-2 tablets, 2-3 times per day.


There are numerous causes of obesity, but only a small number of them are pathological. Most of the causes are associated with lifestyles such as low physical activity, excess energy absorption, and stress.

LANUI™ Slim Tablet, when combined with regular exercises, balance in work and rest, stress control, and a better diet (i.e., less meat, fat, and sugar), will secure effective and safe weight loss effects.

In addition, it is not advisable to try to lose weight quickly by such measures as extreme fasting, using cleansers, and using appetite suppressants. Losing weight by refusing food, cleansing, and boosting urination can cause water loss and disorders of electrolytes in the body. This will adversely affect overall health and cause tiredness, reduced life quality, and reduced productivity.

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